Mark DeGraff

About Mark DeGraff

My name is Mark DeGraff, and it looks like you found my website! I graduated from the University of Texas at Austin in the spring of 2022 with a degree in honors biology. In college, I worked year round as an outdoor guide. Specifically, in Texas during the school year and Montana during the summer, and loved every minute of it.

Then, during my last semester of college, I decided a career in biology was not for me, and started pursuing a career in environmental journalism and communication because it better suits my interests. To meet this end, I plan to spend the next few years traveling around the world, working odd jobs, and writing about my experiences until I have enough writing experience to land a job or a spot in an environmental communication graduate program. 

This website is part of that plan. Here, I will post blogs, long-term projects, and pictures and stories from my adventures. Feel free to look around and use that contact button if you have any questions, comments, or feedback. I look forward to hearing from you!


Picture of Mark DeGraff